I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

The Citric Acid Cycle

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Jul 12, 2021 12:35:04 PM

Citric Acid Cycle Catalysts in Greater Detail

The contribution of homotoxicology to the progress of medicine has been pivotal because it links homeopathic concepts and laws to modern scientific knowledge. Dr. Reckeweg’s starting point was the study of homeopathic materia medica, but he enriched and added to it in various ways and on various levels.

Therapeutic approaches

"An original and essential contribution resulted from the great attention paid to the study of the cell, which Reckeweg defined as the primary and fundamental element in which disease originates.

An energy deficiency in the cell causes it to dysfunction, and an individual cell dysfunction is the start of a more complex pathology, which inevitably becomes an organic disorder.

When it enters a crisis, the cellular energy plant (i.e., the mitochondrion) begins to lack energy for any biochemical cellular process; in particular, the proteins, enzymes, and cytokines which are fundamental to the life of a specialized cell are not synthesized.

A cell that is lacking energy reduces its function to a minimum, uses large quantities of glucose via a metabolic route that does not require oxygen, pollutes the surrounding connective tissue, and progressively assumes the characteristics of a neoplastic cell.

This whole sequence of events which leads from normal physiology to dysfunction, to degeneration, and eventually to neoplasia, is initiated in the mitochondrion and, more specifically, in that sequence of oxidative reactions involved in pyruvic acid catabolism and ATP production.

It is clear how important it is to keep this sequence of key biochemical reactions as efficient as possible for both the catabolic and anabolic aspects of cell function. 

Patients with chronic degenerative diseases, which are those we encounter most frequently today in our natural medicine clinics, primarily need specific, selective stimulation of the citric acid cycle. Treatment with intermediary catalysts in a dilute, dynamized form offers an exceptional therapeutic opportunity in this domain.

The patient is assessed and, if this shows that he is in one of the cellular phases of the homotoxicology table, total stimulation of the citric acid cycle must be carried out, either by the administration of Coenzyme compositum or the individual catalysts if they are available.

If we consider that the organism often uses the building blocks of the citric acid cycle via many other metabolic pathways, it is clear that deficiencies of substances at various levels will tend to block the cycle once again. It is therefore useful to start therapy to support the citric acid cycle with Coenzyme compositum, at the rate of one ampoule sublingually or by injection 1 to 3 times weekly.

Children, in whom the citric acid cycle has presumably not reached a block as in adults or in chronically ill patients, can obviously start directly with the catalysts providing energy and a reactive stimulus to the organism. Although this is the best general strategy for using the citric acid cycle catalysts, it is also useful to be familiar with the role and consequently the clinical indications of the individual catalysts."

Reference: www.unitedremediesUK.com 

This is what I teach and practice. Pairing I.V. Ozone MAH with these German Biologics. We rebuild the immune system and repair damaged mitochondria to reverse chronic disease patterns.