I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Ticks are Hiding in Plain Sight - Lyme Disease - I.V. Ozone and German Biologics

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Jun 3, 2021 11:54:44 AM

Ticks, unwanted house guests. I always thought I was safe from ticks if  wasn't hiking or camping or doing some other type of outdoor activity in a heavily wooded area. If you stay out of the woods you are safe from ticks and Lyme right?

Well I found out about a week ago that that is not necessarily true. I live in an apartment complex with a basement level laundry room. I headed downstairs and loaded my clothing in the wash but as I went to leave I noticed something on the ledge by the door. It was a tick! Not only was grossed out and scared, but for the first time I realized that even if you haven't been outside you still need to be on the lookout and be careful. Ticks can be brought in via clothing, which is how assume this one made its way into my laundry room and it is important to not only check yourself and your family, but your clothing too. Make sure to thoroughly dry clothing after washing, or tumble dry on high heat after spending a day outside in them before wearing around the house just in case. Lyme is no joke and tick prevention and safety is imperative.

Lyme is spread by ticks carried by deer, chipmunks, squirrels, cats, dogs, birds and much more.

Ticks are associated with Lyme disease and other co-infections such as Borrelia, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasma, Bartonella, Rickettsial infections :RMSF , Q-fever, typhus, tularermia, etc. The incidence of tick-borne co-infections is rising. The Deer Tick virus rates have increased from 1-2% to 5-6% in four years.

Ticks have been referred to as "nature's dirty needle".  Lyme-infected ticks transmit Lyme and a host of co-infections that keep patients chronically ill long after initial treatments.  Drugs used for Lyme are not as effective for co-infections long-term. Antibiotics can be effective when newly diagnosed, but they do not work well for long-term chronic infections. Most of our patients have been misdiagnosed for 6-20 years. Some I.V. antibiotics cause severe gallstones which can mean an emergency surgery while others are responsible for extreme Herx reactions. We do not experience these kinds of problems with ozone. 

Even if you do not frequent the great outdoors, it is still important to be on the lookout for ticks. The CDC offers this guide full of tips to staying safe from ticks all year round.  https://www.cdc.gov/features/stopticks/index.html Check it out.

If you know you have a tick - remove it safely and save the tick. You can send it off for analysis to a lab in PA to check for Lyme and other co-infections. This may save time and money to know what the tick is carrying. I recommend that you call us for an ozone injections directly into the tick bite site to help stop the spread of infection while you are waiting for results. They will not offer this at the hospital.

We test and treat Lyme and co-infections.  Ozone Therapy is a safe and effective treatment for Lyme and co-infections.  Let's discuss which Lyme test is the best test for you. You have testing choices and treatment options. We have specialized medicines from Germany for Lyme disease and co-infections.

No matter what your pathogen is named we are the first and only I.V. ozone therapy clinic in Rockland County.  I.V. Ozone is safe and effective at eliminating viruses, bacterium and fungal infections.  If you've tried everything else it's time to try Ozone. All treatments are MD ordered and RN administered in NYS. In 2018, we will be expanding to Greenwich, CT.

Can you Contract Lyme in the Womb?

Complex Lyme Disease Issues

Lyme Free - I.V. Ozone