I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Toxic Cosmetics - Environmental Detox

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Jul 5, 2022 3:00:00 PM

Any one else feeling freaked out by HBO's 'Not So Pretty'


"To look good is to feel good" is a saying we've all heard but is very far from the truth! 

While you are relaxing at the nail spa, do you ever stop to think about what chemicals are lurking in the pink polish you picked out? Or how about what is hiding in your favorite mascara? Although your cosmetics are making you look good on the outside, they are not good for your insides! 

Lead, arsenic, mercury and aluminum are present in hundreds of cosmetics from lipsticks and eyeliner, to foundation and nail polish. So how do these metals affect your health?

 LEAD: lower IQ, impair memory and other cognitive functions, cancer causing

ARESENIC: asthma, heart disease, gastrointestinal issues, skin, lung and gastrointestinal cancers

MERCURY: neurotoxin that destroys brain cells

ALUMINUM: Alzheimer's disease

While you are applying the perfect smoky eye, be mindful that many black pigmented makeup including mascara, eyeliner and shadows are created with a chemical called Carbon Black which has been linked to increased occurrences of cancer and poor organ health.

Nail polish has an endocrine-disrupting chemical called triphenyl phosphate or TPHP for short. This chemical is added to give greater flexibility to the nail polish. What happens to TPHP? It ends up in your bloodstream and body tissues 10 to 14 hours after getting your nails polished. This chemical is linked to obesity, weight gain and is associated with reproductive and developmental issues. Nail Polish can affect your fertility!

So how do you protect yourself when almost everything seems to contain heavy metals? 

  • Many companies make toxin free cosmetics.
  • Always read the label on your cosmetic products! Avoiding lists with multiple synthetic ingredients.
  • DO NOT always believe the label that claims the product is natural or organic
  • DIY is always fun or simply research the products before purchasing!

Don’t forget! Cosmetics are NOT regulated by the FDA so be careful, read your labels and stay fabulous!

If you are concerned about elevated levels of any of the metals listed above and more, we test and treat heavy metals.  We offer low slow gentle chelation and I.V. therapies when the levels need to come down quickly.  We are your Detox Experts.  

The Truth about Tattoos

The Dangers of Nail Polish