I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Twenty Years Before It Hits You - Alzheimer's

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Feb 9, 2016 10:30:00 AM


It's about twenty years of inflammatory changes in the brain before you get diagnosed. Then another twenty years of degrading loss of self before death. 

Preventing Alzheimer's means you have to reduce brain inflammation now. Inflammed astrocytes in the brain influences the development of the disease. 

What is Alzheimer's? It is the atrophy of brain neurons involved in memory. It is the most common dementia disease. 

What causes the brain cells to die? There is no one definitive answer, but I believe that environmental toxins, food contaminants, food allergies and genomics all play a role in the perfect storm. All of these variables cause inflammation. Amyloid proteins form amyloid plaque deposits in the brain along with tau proteins that separate the point of contact between neurons. You lose connections in your brain. 

If you have some or one of the four different known Alzheimer's mutation in your family you do run a much higher risk of developing the disease. 

What can you do to reduce brain inflammation? 

I take Xymogen's NeuroActives Brain Sustain, Memorall and Omega 820 each day, do cardio exercise for one hour each morning and avoid sugar, dairy and gluten. Gluten is the most associated dietary link to Alzheimer's. Limit your exposure to mercury by avoiding high mercury fish, ask for non-Mercury fillings at the dentist, look for mercury and aluminum-free medicines and be an activist to protect your water, soil and air. 



