I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Vitamin D and Vision

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Oct 27, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Could a vitamin deficiency be affecting your sight?Low levels of Vitamin D can cause disturbances in eye sight. In most cases of sudden vision loss, head/eye trauma, or an autoimmune condition is the underlying cause.

But vitamin deficiencies have also been know to be implicated in the decline of vision. There is a correlation between sudden temporary loss of vision, blurry vision, chronic photophobia and severe Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is associated with various eye symptoms, ranging from eye fatigue to open- angle glaucoma.

It is possible that Vitamin D affects both small blood vessels and the innervation/speed of impulse conductivity of the eyes. Normalizing Vitamin D levels appears to stabilize even advanced eye symptoms such as blurred vision and increased eye pressure. An added bonus is that unlike conventional treatments that come with various  and significant side effects, Vitamin D is safe and generally well tolerated.

I check Vitamin D levels on every patient at Second Nature.Vitamin D levels are easy to check and covered by most insurances.  Vitamin D levels should range between 70-100.

Second Nature Care Vitamin D protection 

In our area, I recommend that patients take 5000 iu. of Vitamin D3 from Xymogen between October and April. Xymogen's formula is soy-free. We offer I.V. therapy formulas for macular degeneration that are loaded with B-vitamins, taurine, carnitine, Vitamin C and other eye nutrients.

Vitamin D Levels Predict Depression

Vitamin C and Stroke

Not al Supplements are made Equally