I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Vitamin Deficiency and MS

Written by Isadora Guggenheim & Winter Ninivaggi | Oct 28, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Take your vitamins!

Vitamin D is necessary for maintaining a healthy body. It can help with asthma, maintaining healthy bones and teeth, energy levels and even sex drive. Having a deficiency in vitamin D can really take a toll on your body.

Having a severe  deficiency in vitamin D can be a predictor of accumulated disability in patients with clinically isolated syndrome, a precursor to MS along with smoking.

A recent study with data collected from patients who had ongoing clinically isolated syndrome showed that patients with a low vitamin D serum level had more then double the risk for accumulated disability then those who had higher levels. Non-smokers had less than half the risk for disability progression when compared with people with CIS who smoked. Although neither of the factors directly predicted the conversion of CIS to MS.

Women who have MS need to maintain healthy levels of 5 important nutrients as they tend to have lower levels or deficiencies.

  1. Folate
  2. Magnesium
  3. Vitamin E
  4. Vitamin D
  5. Anti- inflammatories

Whether MS causes these deficiencies or these deficiencies cause MS - you need to take these key nutrients in your fight against MS.  Visit our virtual pharmacy and click onto the Xymogen portal where you can order the highest quality nutrients.

We have formulated I.V. nutrient and ozone treatments for macular degeneration and for MS that have benefited our patients. All I.V. therapies are MD supervised and RN administered in NY.


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