I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Vitamin K2, Heart Health and Naturopathic Medicine

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Dec 18, 2017 9:24:03 PM

The overlooked super vitamin.

Lacking in Vitamin K2 can lead to the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity, such as the inappropriate calcification of soft tissues that can lead to atherosclerosis. This vitamin also is associated with heart health and lowering the risk of cardiovascular events. It is also crucial to prevent Osteoporosis.

Vitamin K2 is important for heart health and longevity. Taken regularly, studies have shown it helps improve arterial stiffness in post menopausal women. "In the Rotterdam Study, which ran for 10 years, those who consumed the greatest amounts of K2 had the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular calcification and had the lowest chance of dying from cardiovascular disease."

 It plays a significant role in bone health as K2 is must for osteoporosis. Vitamin K2 acts as a cofactor for the enzyme that catalyzes the carboxylation of oseocalcin, the protein, used in an integral part of the bone-forming process. Deficiency in K2 can lead to brittle bones and calcification of soft tissues. It is a necessary vitamin to maintain bone health and strength.

What contains vitamin K2 without supplementation? It is found primarily in animal based foods and only grass fed animals will naturally develop high K2 levels. Specific cheeses such as Goudam, Brie and Edam are high in K2 while others are virtual void. Regular consumption of home-fermented vegetables grown with a special starter culture with bacterial strains that produce K2 is one of the best ways to get the vitamin into your diet. 

Risks and Symptoms of a K2 deficiency:

  • Eating a poor or restricted diet
  • Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease and other conditions that interfere with nutrient absorption
  • Liver disease that interferes with vitamin K storage
  • Taking drugs such as broad-spectrum antibiotics, cholesterol drugs and aspirin
  • Blood thinning, poor clot formation, easy bruising and excessive bleeding from wounds, punctures or injections
  • Heavy menstrual periods
  • Anemia (looking tired and pale; feeling weak and listless)
  • Bleeding from your gastrointestinal tract; blood in urine and/or stool
  • Frequent nose bleeds

Looking for the best of the best supplements? Xymogen offers an array of K2 supplements.

OSAplex MK-7, OSAplex CF and OsteoBloX CF are great supplements that contain K2 and support bone health calcium-free. We also offer treatment for atherosclerosis with I.V. Ozone therapies.

Calcium and Heart Health in Women

Inflammation, Osteoporosis and Fractures

Female Cardiovascular Health


The Vitamin That Makes Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D Even Better. (n.d.). Retrieved December 05, 2017, from https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/11/13/vitamin-k2-for-heart-bone-health.aspx?utm