I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Kills Weeds and Much More

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | Oct 18, 2019 7:15:00 PM

Are you still wondering why childhood cancers are becoming more prevalent? Do you know why there is an epidemic of pets with cancers?  

Both children and pets are low to the ground, close to glyphosate exposure and have more vulnerable detoxification pathways.  

Glyphosate in RoundUp is laced into all GMO foods and this chemical bioaccumulates in plants, animals and humans. This adds to our total body burden of toxicity. 

Animals and humans who eat GMO foods have high levels of glyphosate in their urine.  People who eat organic have lower levels of glyphosate in their urine. People who are ill have higher levels of glyphosate in their urine than healthy individuals.  

Connect the dots . . . .

Monsanto and other biotech corporations spend millions on marketing and legislators to make you believe that GMO is the same as non-GMO foods. The problem is that most of us don't have acute exposures, but we have a more insidious kind of chronic exposure through foods. Acute exposures ring the alarm bells and we experience violent reactions - rashes, headache, organ damage (kidney failure) and death. Chronic repeated exposures interfere with the intestinal microbiome and allow bacteria to proliferate leading to obesity, ALzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancers.  

In plants, RoundUp does not allow plants to produce amino acids - phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan in a seven step metabolic pathway. What do you think it does to humans?  

What can you do about your exposure to Glyphosate now?

Number One.  I am board-certified in environmental medicine and have been practicing in this specialization for over 17 years.  We offer state-of-the-art testing and treatment for children and adults.  We have specialized liquid formulas for children for environmental detoxification that are customized for exposures.

Number Two.  If you are not ready to book an appointment to find your total body burden then start taking DFH's Detox Support Packets today. These are in convenient travel packets and contain optimal liver support, anti-oxidants and amino acids for detoxification. You need supplements and regular colonics to detoxify your system. Call us to order.

Number Three. Do not buy or support GMO products.Tell your family, friends and legislators that you do not want to bio-accumulate these poisons in you or your family. Sign every petition on the internet against GMO's. Let your voice be heard loud and clear.