I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

What Is The Most Important Thing in Your Life?

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Feb 7, 2016 1:55:00 PM


Hey it’s Winter. This blog is for all other generation X’s.

We live in a crazy world and as most of us are heading deeper into our twenties we need to really start making a difference. When we are scrolling through our phones mindlessly or watching T.V. we can’t help, but see countless videos of terrible news, the presidential elections, the chaos in the Middle East and the occasional happy golden retriever doing something adorable and wanting to fix the world we live in. We are entering a world much different then our parents.

Our generation is so close to wiping out cigarettes and slowly making marijuana medically legal.  SO many other changes have been made because someone started to speak up. We’ve already changed so much through questioning and understanding we need to also start questioning the food we eat.

When I started working with Dr. G she told me to stop eating gluten. Not only has it completely changed my life but it had me begin to notice more about food we eat all the time. When I started buying gluten-free foods I started to notice other labels on the food. “GMO Free”, “Dairy Free”, “Organic” and then the big “GF” I was looking for. But GMO stuck out to me. I had been so ignorant as to what was happening to our food. GMO stands for “genetically modified organism” our food is being artificially manipulated in labs to look and taste “better”.  Working with Dr. G has genuinely opened my eyes to how much poison has entered our food, water bottles, and even over the counter meds. When I found out Tums were dangerous because they contain aluminum that can cause Alzheimer’s I started telling everyone this mind blowing fact. Turns out most people knew already, so why do we keep taking them like they are candy when our belly hurts?

While we can’t change the whole world we can begin taking control of our health. We can put down the processed food and stop buying GMO food until the madness stops. Understanding processed food, pesticides, GMO’s, and all the other chemicals that come into contact with what we ingest is really sad.  If you’re feeling really risky, go dairy free while you’re at it (Dr. G say milk is for calves)! Changing your diet will change your life.  Gluten and other chemicals in our foods are linked to many of our diseases and mood disorders. For years I suffered with what I thought could be depression, turns out it was just gluten making me excessively sleepy, sick, and emotional. You can make a difference in your and your family’s lives by going organic.

Change starts with educating yourself by reading labels to see what’s really going into your food and ultimately you. As a generation, we can stop chemicals from being put into our food supply by not purchasing them and demanding it be stopped.

Your happiness begins with your gut health. The Most Important Thing is Your Health. 

Paying more attention to my food isn’t the only big change I made this year. I finally decided that along with changing the food I eat, it was time to focus on my weight. I tried the HCG permanent weight loss plan and I’ve never felt better. I’m eating clean, REAL foods. Aside from the weight loss I’m so full of life and energy. I’m not sluggish and hungry during the day, and I just feel happy. If you are interested in reading more about this diet and my progress check out the HCG hardcore strategy blogs.

Being exposed to so many chemicals in our food and water can really take a toll on our health. If you are concerned about heavy metals or non heavy metal toxins in your body Second Nature Care offers testing for both, and also offers specialized treatment for each individual.  Take control of your body, your health and your entire well being. Let’s make start making big changes!


