I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

What is Your Skin Trying to Tell You?

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Jul 15, 2022 3:00:00 PM

Your skin and hormones are connected.

Your skin is giving you clues about what is happening inside your body, including hormonal imbalances. Skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis may all be trying to tell you what is going on in your body.  When the hormone imbalances are addressed it can improve the skin condition. 

In a situation where estrogen is low, skin tends to be drier, less elastic and more fragile (Cates 2022). Flaxseeds, sesame seeds and soy may help to increase levels naturally. Managing stress levels and taking supplements like vitamin D3 are helpful in increasing levels. 

On the flip side, when estrogen levels are too high women become more prone to melasma (brown/gray freckle spots). 

Over production of testosterone can lead to acne b leading to an increase in natural oils. Zinc and vitamin D may help to balance androgen levels. Chromium can also be beneficial in lowering free testosterone and for women with PCOS.  (Cates 2022)

Underactive thyroid can lead to dry and course skin, with reduced ability to perspire, while and over active thyroid can cause skin to be more oily and acne prone. High levels of cortisol can trigger not only acne, but atopic dermatitis, rosacea and other skin issues. 

We offer comprehensive blood baseline labs for our patients with psoriasis and eczema.  We find all of the underlying root causes to your condition. We administer I.V. Ozone, UVBI ultraviolet blood irradiation and German biologics for skin conditions. The expression of skin conditions begins in your intestinal microbiome. We have GI MAP, food allergy tests and heavy metal tests to find your root cause.

Rosacea is triggered by a variety of factors, such as low hydrochloric acid, diet and GI disorders. SIBO treatment has been shown in previous studies to also treat rosacea. Patients with rosacea often have significantly higher SIBO prevalence than non-rosacea patients and in the majority of these patients eradication of SIBO can significantly reduce rosacea.

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Cates, T. (2022, June). The Skin - Hormone Connection. Ndnr, 18(6), 16–17.