I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Arsenic in Baby Food

Written by Isadora Guggenheim & Winter Ninivaggi | May 9, 2016 2:30:34 PM

Some pretty unsettling results came out from a study published in JAMA Pediatrics last week. There have been levels higher then what is outlined as "safe" by the FDA of Arsenic found in rice.

A very common food for infants is rice cereal, and the levels of Arsenic are exceeding tolerable if eaten several times per day. It is found in the infant food and in the rice syrup used to sweeten toddler food as well. Exposure in utero can lead to health complications like: fetal growth, neurodevelopment, and immune system impairments. Arsenic in children is linked to asthma, heart disease, gastrointestinal issues, skin, lung and gastrointestinal cancers. 

Arsenic poisoning due to high consumption levels can cause severe gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, gas,diarrhea, insomnia, difficulty breathing, distended abdomen and low energy.

It is not only found in rice cereal for babies, but in all rice products. rice snacks, rice puffs, and just plain white or brown rice. The study found the levels of Arsenic in the food to be outrageously too high for children and infants to be consuming.

The researchers conducted a urinary analysis on the infants who were part of the study and found significantly elevated levels of Arsenic.

Rice cultivated in the United States also has higher rates of Arsenic in the rice crops then those cultivated elsewhere.

The study urges new strategies to avoid rice consumption during critical developmental periods for children.

We test for heavy metals in the blood to identify acute exposures. If you have elevated levels we offer heavy metal oral chelation protocols and I.V. ozone chelation. We're always exposed to something, but the amount of accumulated metals makes a difference. Test your metals before conception. Yearly heavy metal testing and treatment should be routine. 


Arsenic in Wine

Arsenic Detox

Ozone Chelation