I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Getting Through Allergy Season

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Jun 16, 2022 3:00:00 PM

Does allergy season feel like it is not coming to an end?

It certainly does for me! We are in the middle of June and I am still finding my allergies acting up. 

While over the counter allergy medicine helps, it can be hard to find something that helps the allergies without causing so many negative side effects.  Many OTC allergy medications can cause drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, sore throats and more. 

Don't worry! OTC allergy medicine is not your only option when seeking allergy relief. 

When you are having an allergic response, mast cells release histamine in response to an antigen. The histamine reaction causes inflammation and ultimately swelling and itching. 

Some house hacks for allergy season are using air purifiers, thoroughly cleaning fabrics (i.e. carpets, and curtains) and keeping windows closed.  Even though doing these things will help, it will not eliminate the problem.  

There are natural ways to lessen the blow of seasonal allergies.  

Quercetin is naturally found in apples, grapes, onions, tomatoes and various herbs and teas. A diet-rich in quercetin can help you stay healthy and by using a concentrated form of quercetin you can moderate allergic responses and respiratory concerns. 

Some research suggests that quercetin may eventually be used as a bronchodilator for COPD and asthma. 

We know the benefits of vitamin C on the immune system but it also plays a role in modulating allergic responses.  Entering allergy season with healthy levels of vitamin C in your body can help prepare the body for the symptoms to come. 

And last but certainly not least, OZONE therapies. Ozone therapy can address acute conditions and chronic infections.  It can alleviate persistent annoying symptoms and eliminate pain from infections. It is proactive and creates space for the patient to review all of their treatment options.

We offer full respiratory and food allergen panels to see what is bothering your immune system. We see new patients every week with complaints of seasonal allergies, skin rashes, gastrointestinal trouble, brain fog, shortness of breath and musculoskeletal issues that stem from respiratory or food allergies. We check for celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. This can be covered by insurance.

We can address your hypersensitivities with allersode desensitization drops that are easy for all ages to take daily. We monitor your progress in the office for desensitization.  

Remedies are easy to store, safe and inexpensive. NO SHOTS. 

Call if you have chronic allergies of any kind if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Chronic Allergies

Children's Allergies

Addressing Autoimmune




Lucille, H. (2022, May). Quercetin, Vitamin C and Beyond. Naturopathic Doctor News & Review, 18(5), 1–5.