Second Nature Care Blog

Need A Hip Replacement? Prolozone Therapy - Second Nature Care

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 6, 2015 8:00:00 AM / by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim

Is your hip on fire? Prolozone therapy works immediately and might save you from surgery - Second Nature Care

Is your hip on fire?  Does it wake you up at night?  Are you thinking about surgery? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions - you need immediate treatment.  The annual number of total hip replacements doubled between 2000 and 2010 with patients aged 45 and up.  

That equals some 310,800 total hip replacements in 2010 which is more than double from hip replacements done in 2000. Younger people aged 45 to 54 years got total hip replacements which accounted for a 205% increase.

It's probably a combination of our diet, activities, environmental exposures and other lifestyle habits.

What if there is a non-invasive treatment that works?  Prolozone therapy is the solution. 

Before you sign up for surgery try prolozone therapy for immediate pain relief and permanent results.  You might not need the surgery.  Second Nature Care Prolozone Therapy.

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We specialize in large joint prolozone injections. Every week our patients are amazed at the results. They walk out dancing.  They experience real relief for chronic joint pain.    

If you can avoid surgery and any complications that may come with it from anesthesia, nosocomial infections from the hospital and rehab why not try prolozone for your inflammed hip.  

Read this recent testimonial from a patient who received treatment on both hips this week. 
"After my Mum and I left your office, I felt like my hips were 'puffy' and, although I walked more slowly than usual, Mum mentioned how my lopsided limp had gone. And I was in no pain! Awesome."
I give generous treatments to our patients; three treatments in one syringe followed by several milliliters of ozone. Patients come to us because we individualize their protocols based on their presenting condition, amount of existing damage and treatment to get them back to normal function. We have a great track record of terrific results with our prolozone formulas. If you want a weekend appointment book early; we fill up fast.  

NCHS Data Brief No. 186. Published online February 12, 2015. Full text

Topics: Ozone and Prolozone therapies

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963