Second Nature Care Blog

Free Ozone Therapy - Winter Special - Environmental Detox

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 12, 2015 10:00:00 AM / by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim

Break through pain, inflammation and heavy metals with ozone chelation.

Why ozone therapy and why do it in the winter?  We are more sedentary in the winter, we produce more cholesterol in the winter and our cells are less hydrated and age faster in the winter.  

Are you aging faster than you want?  Aging is an internal process that starts at a cellular level.  There are many causes of cellular aging and heavy metal toxicity is one of them. We offer ozone chelation, an advanced process, of safely removing heavy metals from your body. Even if you have gut issues, I.V. ozone chelation bypasses your poor gut function.  

Researchers found that high exposure to cadmium prematurely ages cells and triggers several diseases including cancer.  I have blogged about a patient with breast cancer whose cancer was ignited by high cadmium from "organic cigarettes." I had a cadmium case of a police officer who had cadium exposure from sitting in an idling squad car.  

We test and treat for heavy metal exposure. We are your Detox experts. 

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Cadmium exposure is linked to shorter telomeres.  Telomeres have caps on the ends of chromosomes that house DNA material to stabilize your genes.  If you shorten telomere length than you weaken cells and destabilize your chromosomes.  

Cadmium is in our food, cigarettes and air pollution.  It is in batteries, computers, coal iron and steel. That is why is it so dangerous when toddlers swallow batteries because they can die from cadmium exposure.  

Epidemiologists have data that consistently shows at low levels cadmium causes measurable and harmful effects on humans and animals.The average American has about 0.3 micrograms of cadmium per liter. Cadmium has a half-life of 30 years in the kidneys.   

Cadmium causes inflammation, oxidative stress and inhibits DNA repair.  Cadmium is linked to chronic kidney disease, diabetes and heart disease.  It is critical to check your blood and tissues levels and do something about it.  Environmental Detox is for everyone.  

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We want to support your health decisions in 2015.  If you purchase a series of I.V. ozone you will get ozone inhalation for free with each session.  It's our way of thanking you for choosing us.  

Ozone update on our moderate to severe right shoulder patient due to arthritis: This patient could not perform full range of motion with her right arm for the past 2 plus years.  She has completed over 18 months of physical therapy.  After one subacromial prolozone treatment she regained all range of motion in less than 5 minutes.  A two minute treatment that has changed her life.  She was laughing and crying at the same time.  Call us and see if our magic prolozone formula will work for you.  

Topics: Ozone and Prolozone therapies, Healthy Living

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963