Second Nature Care Blog

The History of Blue Scorpion Venom

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 19, 2017 6:46:28 PM / by Winter Ninivaggi

From legend to reality. The origin and history of Escozul - Blue Scorpion Venom treatment. A timeline of research and discovery.

Here is the time line leading to the use of Blue Scorpion Venom as a viable treatment.

  • 1985 Start of the Investigation in the Faculty of Medical Sciences of
    Guantánamo. Lic. Misael Bordier Chibas and his group.
  • 1985 to 1990. Pre-clinical studies of toxicity and antitumor activity in
    experimental animals.
  • 1990. Beginning of use in Humans. (Voluntary incorporation)
  • 1993. Studies performed on mice in INOR demonstrate mild antitumor activity
    in three cancer cell lines as well as oral toxicity (Dr. José Luís Bello)
  • 1995. Application for a patent.
  • 1996. Patent publication. A61K 35/56
  • 1996. Request for Report by MINSAP.
  • 1998. Presentation to the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of a new
  • 1998 to 1999. Preliminary study of the use of Escozul in patients with HIV /
    AIDS. University of Science and Technology of Mbarara Uganda Africa.
  • 2001. It is carried out at the Institute of Biotechnology of the Autonomous
    University of Mexico (IBT UNAM). Chemical characterization and basic toxicity of
    the venom of Rhopalurus Preliminary studies of the antitumor action in line of
    colon adenocarcinoma and inhibition of angiogenesis in the Institute of
    Biomedical of the UNAM. Joint Research Proposal IBT UNAM México.

The product comes from scorpion hatcheries in the province of Mantanzas, Cuba. The product is 100% extract of Rophalurus Junceus Poison and never mixed. The scorpions are raised in a 100% natural habitat, in original conditions with zero human manipulations ensuring they live without stress, modification of oxygenation or change of environmental conditions.

The product provides a natural solution to healing, improving quality of life, and life expectancy.

The venom is obtained through the process of extracting the poison of the Blue Scorpion. It is a liquid product that is primarily taken orally and has no adverse effects. No adverse effects since the cytotoxicity is selective for tumor cells, not affecting the viability of normal cells. Depending on the patient's condition, it can help to control tumor growth and improve quality of life. The venom can be administered in conjunction with chemo and radiology but is recommended to be used from the early stages of the disease.  It is recognized in medical literature for RA, MS, Chronic infections - HIV, Hep C, arthritis, several forms of cancer including: breast, colo-rectal, stomach, pancreatic, kidney, prostate, lung and ovarian.

Call us to find out more about Scorpion venom.


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Winter Ninivaggi

Written by Winter Ninivaggi

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963