Second Nature Care Blog

Stopping Alzheimer's in it's Tracks - Ozone Therapy

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 26, 2018 8:20:08 AM / by Winter Ninivaggi

New early warning sign for Alzheimer's.

Researching the earliest stages of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's is one of the most important research scientists face today. A new review from a team at the University of Southern California suggested leaks in the blood brain barrier could be a useful early warning sign signaling the onset of diseases like Parkinson's or MS before any symptoms appear. Like "leaky gut" we have "leaky brain".

Nearly every new drug target that has been developed to fight Alzheimer's and dementia has failed during its human clinical trial stages leading many scientists to argue the classic hypothesis that is the basis of most of the current research. Many now believe the key to treating these diseases is catching and treating before symptoms appear. But the challenge with that is there is still no effective way of catching Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases before the symptoms appear. 

The work from the scientists at USC suggest signs of the breakdown in the the blood brain barrier which is an almost impenetrable membrane that stops harmful particles from entering the brain. The hypothesis suggests that when the blood-brain barrier becomes dysfunctional it is potentially allows proteins like beta-amyloid to move from other parts of the body where it is generally harmless, into the brain, ultimately accumulating plaques considered to be fundamental to the pathology of cognitive decline. 

The article suggests that it can play a role in the progression of  Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and multiple sclerosis. This suggests that testing for leaks in the blood brain barrier could offer an effective early-stage biomarker for many of these conditions.  
Testing for this type of damage to the blood-brain barrier may prove to be an issue as the tests for this type of dysfunction are not significantly accessible as complex MRI aor PET scans are required to identify the leakage. Therefore; this hypothesis may not be a particularly useful tool for patients yet, it will help researchers to better identify subjects for early stage medical trials and new drugs that may slow or stop the onset. 

Ozone therapy is a recognized anti-aging treatment that helps to lower blood pressure, improve micro-circulation and gets more oxygen to the brain. Ozone can cross the blood brain barrier to attack pathogens of all kinds which damage the neural glial cells. 

We change your diet, create an exercise strategy and offer weekly treatments to improve cognition. Our patients with strong family history of Alzheimer's and dementia show definite and measurable improvement with short-term memory and cognition. We add in several German biologics to combat brain injuries.

We recognize elevated heavy metals that cross the blood brain barrier as risk factors for Alzheimer disease. We test and treat heavy metal toxicity with I.V. ozone chelation therapy. It's safe, effective, advanced treatment that prevents further damage. All ozone and I.V. nutrient therapies are MD/NP ordered in NYS. 

Second Nature Care Better Brain Health.

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Haridy, R. (2018, September 25). Early warning sign of Alzheimer's may be found in blood-brain barrier. Retrieved from 143310 USA Daily Basic 2018-09-25 144024 Peugeot e-Legend concept revives the past with the technologies of the future&utm_content=2018-09-25 143310 USA Daily Basic 2018-09-25 144024 Peugeot e-Legend concept revives the past with the technologies of the future CID_cff8dbc9405e78dc623e87310eb45900&utm_source=Campaign Monitor&utm_term=Early warning sign of Alzheimers may be found in blood-brain barrier

Topics: Brain Health

Winter Ninivaggi

Written by Winter Ninivaggi

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963